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Rehearsal & Pick-Up Info


We are so glad you are able to come to Cedar Brook Elementary for your weekly rehearsals. All choirs can enter through the left facing side of the building near the bus ramp. Restrooms are located outside of the music room area and just off of the doors to the gym. We ask all girls and families to respect this request and stay outside of the teacher’s lounge and main instructional areas. Please do your best to be seated with music and pencil in hand by 4:30pm each Tuesday. Please pick your daughter up in the assigned areas so that the directors can monitor dismissal. For your safety, NO ONE should be picked up at the front of the school.

Contact & Pick-Up

CONCERT CHOIR DIRECTOR: Ms, Pollard, Accomp.: Ms. Gonzalez, 4:30-6:00pm; Pick-up in bus circle.
CHORALE DIRECTORS: Mrs. Holder, Accomp.: Mrs. Luthy 4:30-6:00pm; Pick-up in bus circle.
CHAMBER SINGERS DIRECTOR: Ms. Snelling, Accomp.: Mrs. Luthy 4:30-6:00pm; Pick-up in bus circle.

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